Friday, 3 February 2012

*CLOSED* 100th Post GIVEAWAY- Headcollar And Lead Rope

This is my 100th post! I can't believe that I have written that many since I started in the summer. As a thank you for everyone that reads my posts and as a celebration for my 100th post, I have decided to do a giveaway. The prize is a matching headcollar (halter) and lead rope (pictured below), they are navy and red and from the brand Aerborn. The headcollar is in the size cob and therefore is a medium, I thought this would have the most chance of fitting more horses.

To enter...
1. Follow my blog if you're not already following. You can follow my blog using Google Friend Connect, Networked Blogs or subscribe by email (all at the right hand side of the page) or by using Hay-net.
2. Leave a comment on this post saying one thing you like about horses and how you are following me.
3. Make sure I have a way of contacting your, if you have a blog I can comment on there, if not please leave your email address.

This giveaway is open worldwide. Entry is open until midnight (GMT) on the 29th of February. A winner will be chosen at random from the comments entered and will be announced in a post and I will contact you. If you are under 18, please get permission from your parents. 

And one thing I like about horses is the all their different personalities.

Love Laura


equineobsessed said...

Hay Laura ! I am now a follower so sign me up for the give-away - I did the networked blogs so I don't know why i don' show up yet but maybe it takes time. The think I like best about horses is that my daughters and I have a fun hobby (obsession?) together and that is Horse and Riding. I have been blogging for several years with this idea of documenting my training efforts but it really is just a place to talk about my horses, horse friends and post picture. Go check it out sometime.

equineobsessed said...

Hay Laura - its Cathy again (aka Equineobsessed) - I had to use the goggle friend connect since the networked blogs didn't seem to work. Hope your exams go well. Today I am off work and will take 3 of my horses to get their Coggins tests done before the horse event season starts. I will vaccinate later today or on Sunday since my girls have a Horse Quiz Bowl competition tomorrow. I look forward to more genetics info since I have an appy and perlino as well as chestnuts, a palomino and grey. Yeah! or I am also on haynet. take care, c

Bethkay said...

Hi Laura,
I'm a follower :0)
Congrats on your 100th post & keep up the good work!
One of the many things I love about horses is how they make you feel inside. You can be having a terrible day and if you go spend some time around horses it will turn it right around!

Martine said...

Hi Laura!
Congrats on your 100th post, we are not far behind you :-D

The thing I most love about horses is the fact that you never, ever stop learning when you're with them!

K.K. said...

Hello! I am a new follower I found your blog by wandering around blogger and following links on other blogs! I love reading horse blogs so I always enjoy a new one! feel free to stop by my blog!
What I love about horses is the way that everything looks better from horse back!

Liz said...

Been following you on blogger/through google reader since the beginning and you've helped expand my knowledge!

I love the trust that one can build with horses. Its an incredible bond.

Mare said...

Congrads on post number 100!

One of my favorite things about horses is the smell of their breath. It's perfectly warm and sweet. When I plant a kiss on my mare's muzzle, I love to take a big intake of breath. It sounds dumb, but it's the perfect cure to a bad day.

Jen said...

Happy 100th post! I'm already following you (long enough I've disappeared from "front page" view ;o)

Horses are a beautifully showcased embodiment of so many things we should strive to attain/maintain for ourselves: honest, hardworking, loving, faithful, loyal, intelligent and FUN.

(plus they smell sooooo good ;o)

Edward said...

Congratulations on you’re 100th post. I won’t be entering as we’ve got two ponies that were foal size, and three rather big TBs. but good for you and keep up the cracking work.

Ruth said...

Congrats on 100 posts :) It's been great following you so far.

One thing I like about horses is how they can always make me feel better when there is something going on in my life. Just a gentle nicker from Ritchie can make everything seem ok :)

Emme said...

The one thing I like about horses is their ability to allow me to leave the world behind, and leave stress behind. :)

Silke said...

Congrats on the 100 posts!

What I like about horses... actually that's hard to pin down. I guess I like how they can change a crappy day into a wonderful one, with one content sigh.
Is there any way you can feel horrible, when your horse leans his forehead against your chest and just wants a cuddle?
I'm afraid I'll have to quote Churchill, because he summed it up in one sentence: "The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man" (or woman!)

Now, I don't leave my email lying around publicly on posts, but my blog is and there is a contact form there. :)

Jooles said...

Hi congrats on your 100th post! I've been following you for a while and you can contact me through Haynet - Jooles.

What I like about horses? There is so much, but at the moment what I like the most is that I can tell my horse all my woes without being judged and then I can forget them all and just enjoy his company.

some pretty things said...

I have subscribed by email, although not with my blogger email, with my own personal email judith_smyth......

Anyway what I love about horses, as I can't say everything, what will I pick. It's the way they look at you, with an unconditional love. It's the little head tilt down and big eyes when I arrive. My boy had a bit of a rough start and this has left him frigthened of everything, literally. He is so trusting even though he is constantly waiting to be thumped. He puts himself out there every day and ever though he gets frigthened, he will come back again and have another go. It is something we could all learn from, if nothing else i have learnt patience, but you can't ever get cross with a nervous horse.

So maybe what else I love is what I learn from them

Great blog


Anonymous said...

Subscribed via GFC. I love a million things about horses, but I love their loyalty & beauty the most i think.

Selma said...

GFC: Selmica Kiki
I love horses because they are so nice animals and so loyal :)

Spiffyhorses said...

I am following you by Google friend connect, and one out of the many things I LOVE about horses is that when you earn their trust, you have it forever. (:
Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy and Robert said...

Following your blog through blogger, as I blog myself. I actually had a fear of horses for many years, and then when I saw what they did for my autistic stepson, my view changed dramatically. I love and respect these animals and am intrigued by them daily. I'd love to be around them more to overcome my fears and to enjoy the tranquility that they come with.

Nenna said...

Hello! I love horses. It is amazing how they make people smile and happy :) No matter how bad I feel, I get better when I see my horse :)

countrygal said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. The thing I love most about horses is each one has it's on unique personality.

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