Saturday, 4 January 2014

Trooper Update (Happy 2014!)

Hi everyone,

Happy New Year! Sorry about the lack of posts on Trooper lately. It is hard with him being in Cheshire with my Mum and me being Wales.

Trooper is doing really well, he is being schooled a few times a week. When I rode him over Christmas he felt really nice and wasn't stiff. He does feel slightly different in trot on one rein compared to the other. My Mum is working on this with her teacher at the moment as they think he has built up muscle differently in his hind quarters after his tendon injury. He will be 25 years old this year!!

I got him a mobility Horselyx for Christmas which he loves! It has Glucosamine, MSM and Omega Oils in it which is great! It also has antioxidants, biotin and zinc. He did keep trying to bite it though which made me think he was going to knock his teeth out! As he puts on weight easily he is just having the lick on special occasions, especially when he wont stand still! He is having 3/4 of a scoop of Happy Hood in his feed twice a day with an apple and carrot. He is out in the field during the day and in at night. At night he has 2 hay-nets that are double wrapped to slow down the length of time it takes for him to eat them!

In the field he is often with Bobby Mac (pictured below) who is at least 30 years old! They stay out of trouble from the other horses but like to play together. Trooper still likes to be first in from the field and is usually at the gate by around 2pm (after going out at about 8am). He keeps his head collar on in the field now so if he is at the gate people can easily put him in the stable as he tries to barge out and gets in trouble!

Here are some photos that speak for themselves! Please excuse the quality, they were taken on my phone.

I am not going to make any promises but I am going to try and write a post at least once a month this year. I have had a lot less time to write posts as I am out of the house from 8 am until 6.30 pm Mon-Fri. Guest posts are still welcome as I enjoy reading what you have to offer and it helps to keep new content on my blog.

I think my next post will be on his worming programme over the last year. I have learnt a lot about worming in my current job so hopefully I will be able to offer some tips!

Love Laura


  1. Glad to see Trooper is doing well :) He's looking really good! Fingers crossed you can post more this year!

  2. Those two old boys look great! I'm glad your mum is enjoying Trooper, a bit like me with my daughter's old horse :D

  3. Those two old boys look great! I'm glad your mum is enjoying Trooper, a bit like me with my daughter's old horse :D

  4. Those two old look horse is great! I'm enjoying , a bit like me with my friends old horse

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