Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Trooper Update

Sorry I haven't got any photographs today, I have been too busy and I thought a post without photos is better than no post at all!

I would also like to say get well soon to my Grandad who likes reading my blog!

Trooper is doing well, I still think he is a bit fat but he isn't as bad as he has been in the past (photos to follow!). I weighed him with the weight tape the other day and he was around 147 kg which is actually good for him. I have been trying to ride him as much as possible but the weather has been awful so not as much as I would have hoped.

After watching the Olympics I have been making him do some more dressage movements. He is quite good at leg yeilding so I have been starting to think about half pass which he has been finding a lot more difficult. I have also been doing little walk pirouettes by walking him on a circle and leg yielding him in smaller and smaller until he is on the spot. I don't think he is quite doing it yet! I need to get someone to video me so I can see! I will put it on here too!

When I rode him one day last week I went in the outdoor arena and I was schooling him. I was cantering him on a 20 metre circle when he tripped and fell onto his knees. I then flew off and managed to land standing on my feet! Trooper was fine but a bit confused. We have a new surface to ride on up there which is really nice so I am sure that cushioned his landing. I felt his legs and walked and trotted him in hand and he seemed fine so I got back on and just rode for a few more minutes just to make sure everything was OK then I took him back down. I hosed all of his legs for around 10 minutes each as I am still wary about his tendon injury. He does trip up a lot now, I don't know if this is due to his age. It may also be due to me not wanting to get his hindlegs under him as much so I don't put more pressure on his back tendon. He has been fine after this anyway and I have been riding him as normal since.

He is still out in the field over night and has not been waiting at the gate to come in in the morning so hopefully he will have a few more weeks of being out over night before he comes in for the winter (when he only gets to go out during the day). Recently I have been going down to the farm around 10 am in the morning which is very late for me. I am finding this a better time to go and catch him though as we have a young horse in the field at the moment who insists on being first one out of the field in the morning. I already have Joe and Bobby who follow me and Trooper up the field every morning to come in. Joe and Bobby are very well behaved however and if I let them out of the field will walk to their stables with no headcollar on. I don't think I need another horse following me out, especially if it is young.

Here's an old photo I found that I thought I would include!

Love Laura


  1. Gorgeous photo :) That trip/fall sounds scary. I'm glad neither of you were hurt.

    btw - I am going to do my grooming bag tag but I have had some bad news about my horse Ritchie,( I will be doing a blog post on it soon) and his leaser took half of my grooming supplies so i will do it when I update my grooming kit.

    1. Aww, sorry to hear about that! Don't worry about it! Hope all is OK!


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