Monday, 13 February 2012

Great Britain's Riders

After I finished my Spanish Riding School post yesterday I have finally got round to editing a video I took of Carl Hester riding to music before the show.

I have decided that with the Olympics coming up I am going to write a weekly post on one of Great Britain's top riders. This will include all the different disciplines in the Olympics and the Paralympics. I may also include some of the disciplines that are not in the Olympics. I will be researching on the internet and getting the most accurate information possible. Some of the riders I am planning to write about are Carl Hester, Lee Pearson, Mary King, Ben Maher and many more! We have so many great riders that I thought this would be an interesting weekly feature! 

Love Laura


  1. Very cool! I look forward to these :)

  2. Awesome dressage freestyle. If I was going to do one to music it would definitely be something like this.

    Your new series of posts sound great. Can't wait.

  3. I am fan of Carl Hester’s work so it was nice to see this video, I think it’s a great idea to do posts on Olympics and the Paralympics rider.

    I missed Your Spanish riding school post as I wasn’t on Blogger the other day, so I’ll have to take a look when I’ve got a bit more time.


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