Saturday, 5 November 2011

Troops Photos

Here are a few photos of Trooper that my mum has been sending me. They were both taken today, he was very muddy this afternoon when they went to bring him in from the field! And the bottom photo is when she was having her first 5 minute ride on him. She just walked around the yard as it is a smooth surface there but we have to go over some cobbles before we get to the road so she didn't want to take him over those just yet. The surface in our outdoor arena is also quite deep, so for now he is just walking around the yard or in the indoor arena.

He looks cute and fluffy! I can't wait to see him properly because we have never not had him clipped in the winter so I think he will look funny!

Love Laura


  1. Muddy boy!! I hope you get to see him soon!

  2. He looks great!! I'm sure you can't wait to go see him. He's such a gorgeous boy (even though he's all muddy lol)


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