Tuesday, 27 September 2011

The Donkey Sanctuary

After spending 2 weeks working with donkeys I leant about what amazing animals they are. Here is a video of  The Donkey Sanctuary which is based in Devon.

The Donkey Sanctuary does a lot of work not only in this country but in many others, helping with the welfare of donkeys and the education of owners. 

They have a really good website with lots of features such as a "Donkey Cam" where you can watch what the donkeys are up to at the Devon sanctuary (Donkey Cam!). They also have a donkey game where you can chose a donkey and look after it etc. (Donkey game)!

You can help The Donkey Sanctuary in a number of ways...

They are always looking for Quality Time Volunteers, these are people that can offer their time to give the donkeys some extra attention such as grooming them. This is definitely something I would like to do in the future but at the moment I can't volunteer regularly with going to and from university.

You can buy things from their website as they have a gift shop on here. They have some really nice Christmas cards on here and the money is going to a good cause! They also have a wide range of things for sale on here such as toys, stationary, homeware, books and DVDs, definitely have a look with Christmas coming up in a few months. I am going to get my 2012 calendar from there! (Click to go to the gift shop).

You could become a fund raiser, organising events to help to raise money. I also think this would be great for groups of children such as at schools or brownies etc. as it is a charity I imagine children would like to help.

If you live near Devon or are on holiday there at any point you can go and visit the sanctuary. They have different events going on and you can meet the donkeys and go for walks around the sanctuary (click here).

They also foster out their donkeys in pairs if you have an acre of land you could keep them on . There are regulations for this and I think you have to attend courses on caring for donkeys etc. This is a great way to make a real difference in some donkeys lives and they all have such great characters that I am sure would keep you entertained!

There are other ways you can make a contribution including making a donation. They have also a website where you can donate money to buy certain things for the donkeys such as fly masks, water troughs and medicine (click here)

There are many other ways you can help The Donkey Sanctuary so go and have a look at their website. Hope you go and have a look at all the great work they are doing and consider them when you are next buying cards and gifts!

Love Laura

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