As I am sure you all know I was lucky enough to have tickets to see the Olympic Dressage Grand Prix to Music! I am also sure you all know that
Charlotte Dujardin won a gold medal and
Laura Bechtolsheimer won a bronze, both for Great Britain! It was amazing to watch and some of the routines were very entertaining. I have to say that Laura Bechtolshiemer's routine to the Lion King music was my favourite! Here are some of the photographs I took during the day.
I don't know who some of the first riders are so you will have to forgive me!
This is Juan Manuel Munoz Diaz riding for Spain. His horse was gorgeous so I took quite a few photos of it!

There were a lot of spectators there from Holland. You can see them in their orange tops!
This was Laura Bechtolshiemer entering the arena before her test.
We were not allowed to cheer before the horse had done it's test but after Laura finished the crowd were all cheering and there were union jack flags everywhere! She was the first rider to go for GB and we had waited all day as all three of our riders were in the last group.
Laura after her test.
Carl Hester was the next rider for GB and can be seen below.
Adelinde Cornelissen went next and received a huge score from the judges. I was starting to worry if we would get the gold after all. It was all down to Charlotte Dujardin.
Charlotte rode an amazing test to a great selection of music. I especially liked the canter pirouette in time to the chimes of Big Ben!
She managed to get a massive score of over 90% winning the gold medal for team GB! The Netherlands won the silver and Laura Bechtolshiemer won the bronze. It was nice to see The Netherlands win a medal as they had so many fans there.
The crowd was going crazy and we all sang the national anthem before they did a lap of honour showing us all their medals!
I borrowed my Dad's camera which is better quality than mine and also takes photos instantly when you press the button and doesn't have the delay that mine has. I also took a lot of video footage throughout the day with some clips of the tests, when we found out we had the gold and the national anthem so that will be up soon when I have put it all together! I will also put thee rest of the photos onto my
Facebook page.
My lab work for my dissertation is nearly finished and then I will be back at home to write up the results. Hopefully then I will have more time to get back into writing more regular posts.
Love Laura